Deliver custom insights to your advertisers to increase your ad revenue.
There are a host of business trends, evolving customer preferences and local market dynamics that directly impact the success of your advertiser clients. And when your advertisers are more successful, so are you. Especially if you proactively help them to identify the challenges and opportunities affecting their businesses through targeted, advertiser-focused research.
Coda Advertiser Studies generate actionable insights that your advertisers can immediately incorporate into their ongoing marketing and advertising plans, whether it’s identifying a new customer segment or getting to know their existing customer base better. Plus, targeted advertiser research can help you secure your relationship as a preferred media partner, increasing the probability of increased ad revenue for your newspaper.
But relevant advertiser research is just the beginning. Coda will help you turn your research into ad revenue by providing compelling, client-ready sales materials that showcase the study’s findings. From custom advertiser presentations to turn-key sales fact sheets that your ad sales team can quickly hit the streets with. And your Coda consultant will be there every step of the way to provide you with the ideas, execution and support that will make a measurable contribution to your advertisers’ bottom line... and yours.
Our research experts will help to identify your advertisers’ key objectives and create a custom research solution designed to address those specific needs
We’ll then provide you with compelling client deliverables that will enhance your preferred partner status and position your newspaper for increased ad sales
You Can Count on Coda to Help You Keep Your Advertisers Informed, Engaged and Loyal